Detailed instructions for designing and installing the Intelligent Building system Smart home eHouse
The eHouse system is an open intelligent home system, building, flats. For the investor, this means that you can perform all the steps necessary to carry out the full installation yourself or have your own subcontractors carry it out:
- designing the system according to your own wishes.
- distribution of 230V cables according to own design (by a qualified electrician).
- connection of sensors, installation of a low-voltage system of the intelligent eHouse building, switching on and tests without switching 230V power on, before plastering the building (which is the last chance to introduce corrections without renovation, wall forging etc.. )
- choosing the number of controllers depending on the project, expectations and budget.
- deployment of eHouse system elements in the building.
- distribution of low-voltage cables of the eHouse system (sensors, w³¹czników, data and power bus, control wires).
- connection of control devices after finishing the house, building or flat.
- creation of overlays on the system (own algorithms on a PC) performed and performing individual functions of the investor. (Optional)
The detailed instruction is a supplement
general instructions, with which you should also read. Installation of the eHouse system should be preceded by analysis in order to determine the number of controllers to be used and deployed. It is necessary to conduct a research, whether to choose the installation
low - budget (minimalist) , or
comfortable (optimal - allowing you to get 100 % functionality of the eHouse system) . Installation low - The budget minimizes the number of RoomManager modules used. The minimum reasonable amount of RoomManagers is 1 RM for each floor in the house. It is necessary to recalculate the number of resources needed for the application, taking into account architectural design and all equipment, which is going to be controlled at home:
- switches,
- digital sensors,
- analogue detectors,
- infrared transmitters,
- digital outputs,
- PWM dimmers,
- infrared receivers,
RoomManager - Room controller, premises
Each RoomManager has the following hardware resources, whose functions are discussed in detail in the technical documentation of this device:
- analog input for lighting measurement (or other analog sensor) <0,5V> with 0V inverted scale - \u003e 100 %, 5V - \u003e 0 % )
- 7 analogue measuring inputs in the measuring range <0,5V> (they can be e.g.. LM335 temperature sensors)
- 3 PWM dimmers (12VDC / 30W * for lighting control, e.g.. 12V bulbs, halogens, led lighting, e.t.c. (*) Maximum power requires proper cooling of the driver ' that œciemniaczy, which are mounted (optional) on the relay module
- 12 digital inputs (active at short circuit to system ground), inactive when opened)
- 24 digital outputs (for direct switching on and off of electrical devices controlled with 230V / 10A relays, located on the relay module)
- infrared IR transmitter (for controlling Audio / Video equipment up to 8 m in a straight line with very narrow beam 5 - 10 % rays, in the field of visibility between RM and AV equipment). The maximum length of wires for possible output of transmitter diodes is about 0. 5m. Practically speaking, there is a possibility of fixing one transmitter on one side of the wall, and second after second. This will allow simultaneous sending of infrared signals to two rooms.
- infrared IR receiver (for RoomManager control ' I, a remote control in the SONY standard in the range up to 8m, in the field of visibility between RM and the pilot). The maximum length of wires for outputting infrared receivers is about 2m. It is possible to attach 1 receiver on one side of the wall and the other on the other. This will allow simultaneous receiving of infrared signals from two rooms
In addition, when designing an installation, the use of resources should be taken into account depending on the automation function, which we want to obtain:
Function | Used RM resources (RM resource usage factor: used / total amount) |
RM control via infrared | infrared IR receiver (1/1) |
control of Audio / Video devices by RM | infrared IR transmitter (1/1) |
turning on / off the device (from the infrared remote control, panels, PC) | digital output (1/24) |
Switching the device on / off with an on / off switch | digital output (1/24), digital input (1/12) |
automatic night lights | lighting measurement ADC (1/1), digital output (1/24) |
automatic lighting control | lighting measurement ADC (1/1), PWM (1/3) |
automatic temperature regulation | ADC temperature measurement (1/7), digital output (1/24) |
dimming and lightening (control by infrared remote control, PC, panels) | PWM (1/3) |
dimming and liquid brightening (controlled by switches) | PWM (1/3), digital inputs (2/12) |
In the case of more than one RoomManager resource on the list ' and this applies to the same RM. The calculation is best carried out for several installation variants (different amount of RM). When calculating the installation costs of the eHouse intelligent building system, one should take into account the following factors affecting the total cost of installation at home, and not just the price of drivers.
- costs and time of designing the low-voltage installation of the eHouse system depends on the complexity of the installation
- the cost of automation - the price of all used modules, / Li\u003e
- costs and time of designing the 230V installation, depending on the complexity of the installation
- costs of the total length of low voltage cables of the eHouse system: to switches, sensors, etc..
- labor cost (one meter * length of wires) for eHouse low voltage cables
- special costs for low-voltage cables resulting from mounting difficulties, piercing the ceilings, walls, bypassing the window openings, other interference wires, to get a safe installation
- costs of the total length of shielded cables, for eHouse measurement sensors: temperature, lighting, e.t.c.
- labor cost (one meter * length of wires) for the installation of eHouse measurement sensor cables
- special costs for cables for measuring sensors due to mounting difficulties, piercing the ceilings, walls, bypassing the window openings, other interference wires, to obtain a safe installation and obtain a minimum of measurement errors
- total costs of 230V wires length
- the costs of assembly boxes, revisions at centralized installations for distributing and separating wire bundles
- labor cost (one meter * cable length) for 230V wires
- special costs for 230V wires resulting from mounting difficulties, piercing the ceilings, walls, bypassing the window openings, other interference wires, to get a safe installation, and obtain a minimum of measurement errors
- installation costs for mounting boxes, inspection, culverts for centralized installations for distributing and separating wire bundles and additional workload for connections
Considering all costs, even those that are not so obvious, installation with a larger amount of RM may be paradoxically cheaper and simpler than the same installation, when we give up 1 or 2 RM.
Installation low - budget (minimalist):
With this version, we limit the number of RoomManager to a minimum ' That (meaning automation), counting with the simultaneous complexity, a significant increase in outlays for the 230V electric installation, its implementation and the lack of possibility to expand the system.
- very limited total amount of hardware resources
- problems with possible changes in the system design (no stock of resources)
- much longer cables for analog sensors, increasing the cost of cables, their installation and the increase in measurement errors due to higher interference
- great complexity of the installation and its span, as well as a mess in the wires,
- problems using RoomManager programs ' a (program change works for many rooms at the same time),
- the difficulty of design due to its complexity
- several times longer 230V wires propagating often between building's five, repeatedly increasing the cost of 230V cabling and electrical installation, (which raises the cost of such installation many times)
- limited infrared control (reception and transmission) to the rooms, where RoomManager is located
- no possibility to use linked algorithms, requiring more than one resource due to their small amount
- Greater probability of later mechanical damage to the installation as a result of e.g.. drilling holes in the walls
- no possibility of distributing free hardware resources due to their small amount. This can practically prevent making any changes to electrical installations, after plastering the building
- Lower cost of eHouse system components (smaller number of RoomManagers) in relation to the comfort version.
Comfortable installation (optimal):
- A higher cost of drivers in relation to the minimalist version.
- a large amount of free hardware resources
- transparent wiring installation and its decentralized, local character
- Ease of design due to the large stock of hardware resources and the local nature of the installation
- the right use of RoomManager programs ' and
- Easy system design changes (due to the large stock of hardware resources)
- several times shorter 230V wires spreading only locally, repeatedly reducing the cost of 230V cabling and electrical installation (which partly compensates for financial outlays for a larger number of controllers)
- much shorter analog sensor wires, which reduces the cost of wires, their installation and maximum minimization of measurement errors due to less interference
- full infrared control (reception and transmission) indoors, where RoomManager is located
- the possibility of using linked algorithms, requiring more than one resource due to their large quantity
- the possibility of distributing free hardware resources locally to different places of the room, allowing you to easily make changes at home, e.g.. a couple of months or after living, no need to forging walls, etc..
Designing the eHouse system.
The critical control function forcing minimal RoomManagers as well as their location is infrared control. When designing an eHouse system installation, one should first of all set the points needed for infrared control (in one or two sides)? The minimum amount of RoomManager ' that will probably be equal to the number of these points.
Additional conditions relating to infrared control:
- The RoomManager must be opposite the Audio / Video equipment at a distance of not more than 8m. Right at the design stage, you need to plan the location of controlled A / V equipment and RM. After the deployment of RM, installing it and covering the planned housing, one should empirically check the infrared range, if devices react to signals from RM.
- the RM is most often and most preferably located (or derived transmitters and receivers) below the ceiling, at least 1m from the corners of the walls (if we would like to put furniture in the future, flowers, e.t.c. ),
- infrared IR transmitter (for controlling Audio / Video equipment up to 8 m in a straight line has a very narrow beam 5 - 10 degrees of rays, so the emitter diode must be appropriately directed directly to the A / V equipment, and use the housing, which as little as possible weaken the power of this ray.
- it is not allowed to plan the RoomManager's location in such a way that the infrared ray comes, e.g.. from reflection from the wall,
- place the RM in such a place and height, so that later furniture does not disturb or even cover the very shortest IR radius path,
- maximum total cable length for possible output of transmitter diodes is about 0. 5m. This length also depends on the connection method and the cables used, distances from disturbing signals, other wires and it's best to check empirically.
- there is a possibility of fixing one transmitter on one side of the wall, and second after second, which will allow simultaneous sending of infrared to 2 rooms. However, this forces the way the A / V equipment is placed in both rooms against the infrared transmitters,
- The maximum total length of wires for possible output of infrared receivers is about 2m. This length also depends on the connection method and the cables used, distances from disturbing signals, other wires and it's best to check empirically.
- there is a possibility of fixing 1 receiver on one side of the wall and the other after the other which will allow simultaneous receiving of infrared from 2 rooms.
- it is possible to use several infrared receivers connected in parallel, the quantity should be checked empirically,
- infrared tests should be carried out in the least favorable conditions, i.e. with full solar illumination.
Calculation of the number of controllers for installation low - budget (minimalist).
1. If we decide on infrared control and at the above mentioned estimates, at least one RM should be taken on the floor - At the same time, this sets us the minimum number.
2. If we do not plan to use infrared, use the RM 1 RM rule on the floor. Even if we decided to use 1 RM on more than one floor, the total cost of such installation will be much higher anyway, because complicated installation, length of 230V cables, the cost of installing them - they will exceed the value of the additional controller.
3. All you need to do is check the total amount of RM resources ' that and compare it with the quantity, which we need, whether we need RM hardware resources. If not, add RM, that we need resources.
4. It is best to provide a stock of free resources at level 20 - thirty % - this will not drastically change the design and installation at the design / installation stage in case of unforeseen solutions requiring additional resources.
Calculating the number of controllers for a comfortable (optimal) installation.
In the optimal version, we design the eHouse system, in such a way to get 100 % functionalities of the eHouse system in the main rooms. This simplifies the entire installation and the design part. It also means a reduction in financial outlays on wires, 230V electrical installation and system decentralization.
Main rooms it is determined according to individual preferences of the investor and future residents. In addition to this list, it is necessary to add rooms, in which we intend to control infrared in one or both directions.
These can be the following rooms and objects:
- living room
- kitchen
- dining room - if it is open and adjacent to the living room or kitchen, it can be connected to the same RM
- rooms with infrared control
- hole and communication, (can be as 1RM)
- ³azienki
- living rooms and bedrooms
- offices
- in rooms, in which it is difficult for us to define and design an electrical installation or it may change during the use of the room. A large stock of free RM resources will allow them to be spread around the room. This will enable you to easily reconfigure the system, switching wires, change in the functionality of automation, without the necessity of forging the walls and later renovation,
- orangery (*)
- ballrooms,
- representative rooms, luxurious and with increased decoration
- swimming pools (*)
- saunas (*)
- home theater and mediaroom rooms
- fitness rooms
- rooms requiring individual and more advanced control, own algorithms and many events depending on each other. Especially when we depend on an independent, fast and hardware control by RM, rather than analyzing data on a PC and creating custom algorithms or programs,
- plot area - with a large complexity of the external installation (*)
(*) In rooms with extreme conditions: temperatures, humidity, you must install RM and MP outside the control zone, e.g.. on the wall in the next room, where the conditions are close to peaceful.
Auxiliary rooms , these are rooms, which do not require individual control (dedicated RM) and can be controlled from free RM resources from a neighboring room.
These can be the following rooms or objects:
- vestibule
- lockers
- basements
- garage
- Cleanings
- wardrobe
- utility room
- attics
- terraces
- plot area - with a small complexity of the external installation
Arrangement of eHouse system installation elements
After closing the decision about the amount of RM used, you can go to the standard project activities.
All electronic and electrical modules of the eHouse system should be installed outside rooms subject to moisture and temperatures outside the range <10C, 35C>. In the case of infrared control, the key element is locating the Audio / Video and RM equipment, to make devices " they saw each other " without any obstacles along the way, at the shortest possible distance. The general principles are discussed above.
Together with the decision on the location of all RM, the location of the HiFi equipment should be located on the project, Audio / Video, other infrared devices, yes, that in the design phase and in the future nothing beams on the path of infrared beams. It is best to immediately design an rtv antenna installation, sAT, audio, video, speakers, sound distribution, MediaCenter, home cinema.
Then, arrange the relay modules for the subsequent RMs. It is advisable to put RM in relation to MP yes, that the length of the wires between them was shorter than 5m. This applies only to the data bus - the point is, that the data bus operates in series, and it did not make a star. This prevents the creation of additional disturbances as a result of wave reflections in the wires, which in extreme cases may disturb the transmission. In case of, when it is unreachable or very expensive, an alternative solution can be used - do not use bus splitter built into MP, but lead the data bus directly to the RM, HM, EM and use signal separation there. This will allow you to freely move the RM from MP (up to 30m). There are no major restrictions on the MP installation, however, the following factors should be taken into account:
- install in rooms with low humidity and temperature <10C, 35C> for versions without dimmers and <10C, 20C> for versions with dimmers
- put in a place where the total length of 230V wires between MP and the devices included will be as short as possible, and the most convenient installation
- install in airy places and in boxes that provide good ventilation for versions with dimmers. At higher power consumption, it may be necessary to install an additional cooling fan
- install in boxes much larger than the MP module itself, to provide an easy service
- to be installed in places allowing for revision in the event of service activities, it may be behind light furniture
- install in boxes dedicated to electrical installations and meeting relevant construction and electrical standards
- take into account the characteristic sound when switching relays, place away from places of rest, Beds in the bedroom, e.t.c
- leave a supply of wires (50cm) in the box before soldering to MP, to allow the plate to be removed and the MP rotated in its entirety with the wires, without the need for desoldering wires for service purposes
- housed in low visible places, especially in living rooms
After the decision to place the MP, RM, EM, HM is best to draw chalk on the walls of their location and route of wires: data bus, Supply, steruj¹cych, w³¹czników, sensor cables. It will save us many errors and time, in case of, when we start distributing the wires straight away.
The rules for the placement of wires are as follows:
minimum distances between groups wires in the installation | 230 | Data bus | Power bus | The control | Sensors | W³¹czniki, digital sensors, | ethernet, network comp | GSM antennas, radiolines | other interfering |
230 | 0 | thirty | 20 | 20 | 50 | thirty | thirty | thirty | thirty |
Data bus | thirty | 1 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 50 | thirty | 200 | thirty |
Power bus | 20 | 20 | 0 | 5 | thirty | 20 | 10 | 100 | thirty |
The control | 20 | 20 | 5 | 0 | thirty | 20 | 20 | 100 | thirty |
measuring sensors | 50 | 20 | thirty | thirty | 5 | 20 | 50 | 200 | 50 |
W³¹czniki, digital sensors, | thirty | 50 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 5 | thirty | 100 | thirty |
ethernet, network comp | thirty | thirty | 10 | 20 | 50 | thirty | 5 | 100 | thirty |
GSM antennas, radiolines | thirty | 200 | 100 | 100 | 200 | 100 | 100 | 300 | 100 |
other interfering | thirty | thirty | thirty | thirty | 50 | thirty | thirty | 100 | 20 |
Other types of wires should be treated as follows:
- Speaker = Power bus,
- Audio - Video = measuring sensors,
Additional suggestions on eHouse system deployment, 230V and other systems.
- Do not cross the 230V wires with system eHouse under the plaster. It is very risky, due to the possibility of drilling both cables at the same time during renovation, which will destroy the eHouse system. It is possible to consider installing the installation box in the place of the necessary crossing, That the contractor does not drill at this point (the can must be visible and flush with the wall, and not under 2 cm plaster).
- If you do not use the suggested distances from the table, to protect against interference, one should cover the part of the cable that runs close to the source of interference and connect the screen to the mass of electronic circuits or switch to shielded cables as soon as possible (especially in the case of analog sensors). FTP cables can be used - 8 shielded twisted pair).
- Power bus (+ 5V, 0, + 12V) should be combined like this, to close the loop. The loop (for the power bus) protects it against being cut in one place and reduces the voltage drops on the cable.
Separation of data and power bus
The data bus as well as the power distributor can be a relay module. This concept allows simplifying and shortening the installation time. The power bus should be made of a 3 * 2 wire. 5mm2. The power bus wires are soldered, to limit the resistance of the connection (to avoid voltage drops on the wires), as well as ensuring full failure-free for decades.
The color standard has been adopted for the eHouse power bus:
- + 12V Yellow - green
- 0V = WEIGHT Black
- + 5V blue
The way of connecting the power bus to the relay module
The method of soldering the power bus wires of the eHouse system - Leave 0. 5 m of each wire supply, to enable the removal of the module, without desoldering any wires, for service purposes. One set of power bus wires is connected to the previous relay module, and the second to the next MP.
The data bus must be made of a UTP cable - 8 categories min. 5.
Data bus cables must be terminated with RJ connectors - 45. For standardization, one must stick to the order of colors as in the drawing, as shown in the picture. All descriptions in this documentation, refer to the above standard.
The relay module has 3 connectors for the data bus:
- to the previous relay module (MP)
- to the next MP
- to RoomManager ' a (RM) or HeatManager ' a (HM) or ExternalManager ' a (EM) controlling the current MP or Expander ' a (X) (When using InputExtender IE security modules).
Connection of RoomManager controllers ' a (RM), HeatManager ' a (HM), ExternalManager ' a (EM) and Expander ' a (X) to the power bus on the Relay Module.
The connection of the power bus is made with quick couplers kk2. 54 clamped on the power cables. It is required to cut off all + 5V power cords. Only + 12V and 0V wires are connected to the bus using a 3 * 0 wire. 75 (using the color standard as for the power bus).
Connection of RoomManager controllers ' a (RM), HeatManager ' a (HM), ExternalManager ' a (EM) and Expander ' a (X) to the data bus on the Relay Module.
The data bus connection is made using a UTP cable - 8 cat. minimum 5 with RJ plugged in - 45. For standardization one should stick to the color convention discussed earlier for the data bus. For each controller module, cut the + 5V wires located on the connector (white - green, green).
The cable should be shorter than 5m. Otherwise, separate the data bus signal directly at the RM, EM, HM, X.
Connection of RoomManager control room controllers ' a (RM), HeatManager ' a (HM), ExternalManager ' a (EM) and Expander ' a (X) to the Relay Module.
40pin flat belt (like hard drive) with IDC connectors tightened - 40 is used to connect the control between the controllers and the relay module. It is very important to additionally insulate this tape at the relay module (e.g.. thermo-shrinking shirt), to protect against accidental insulation damage and short-circuit to 230V or other voltages, which would be fatal.
Flat belts allow for a very easy and fast connection of the system, service and make it easier to solve the problem and installation and wiring. In addition, their thickness (approx. 1mm) allows direct attachment to the walls, without the necessity of forging brood. The IDC connector should be attached to the flat ribbon, using a crimp connector, connect IDC.
Connection of sensors and digital switches to RoomManager ' a (RM) and ExternalManager ' a (EM)
16-pin flat strip for direct connection of switches and digital sensors.
For optimal installation, it is possible to stretch this cable one after the other between all switch and sensor boxes in one room, making a piece of about 10cm to allow the IDC connector to be tightened - 16 on the cable for possible use immediately or in the future.
Connection of junction or bell switches
connects directly between one of the inputs and the common ground (OV). If the end of the wire is missing, tighten the IDC connector - 16 and then solder the wires to the pins. If the end of the cable is available, it can be isolated and connected directly to the switches.
In the case of an economic installation, it should be as close as possible to RM, EM switch to pairs of wires (in the screen) and tighten them individually to the switches and sensors, due to the much longer cable length and the need to limit the interference.
Connection of analog sensors to RoomManager ' a (RM), ExternalManager ' a (EM), HeatManager ' a (HM)
On the 20-pin tape there are the inputs of the measuring sensors. All sensors are connected between the common ground and one of the inputs. Sensors must have a range of output voltages 0 - 5V. It is recommended to use LM as sensors - 335 for the measuring range range (0, 5V). If the sensor leads are to be longer than 1m, as close as possible to the controller, move to shielded cables. This will minimize the effect of noise on the measurement result. The simplest method of fixing the sensors, is the use of a set
Connection of analog sensors to the eHouse system
Before plastering the building or assembling GK boards, drill a hole with such a diameter, that the protected nest can easily be hidden in its entirety. Then, secure the hole with the screw flush with the planned plaster. After plastering, unscrew the screw and slide out the socket and flush it to the wall. The socket should be glued to the wall, mounting adhesive and the surface is aligned with acrylic. Secure the socket opening before painting the walls. Location of temperature sensors should be in place, where there is good air circulation around 1m, The farther from the wall, the better. Such a sensor installation will ensure quick and accurate measurement of the room air temperature, and he will not measure, for example. wall temperature. This will also enable easy sensor replacement in case of damage. The sensor is soldered to the mini plug - jack ' a 2. 5mm and can be replaced in a few seconds.
When installing HeatManager temperature sensors ' and, due to the need to place the sensors in places that are not easily accessible after installation, it is best to adopt the principle of using multiplied sensors, permanently mounted next to each other. In case of sensor damage, we can always switch to the next sensor. Analogously, we can proceed in the case of sensors placed in unavoidable places, e.g., in the floor for underfloor heating, driveway. These sensors should be very carefully protected against moisture, preferably a multiple layer of varnish, surround a millimeter layer of film in liquid or disperbit and heat shrink tubes against mechanical damage.
This can save us the breaking of thermal insulation at hydraulic installations and forging floors, picking terracotta in case of 1 sensor failure. Sensors should be used in metal or other housings protected against water and water vapor, in the worst case, varnish that does not leak water vapor or silicone.
Connection of a complete system segment (RM controller, EM or HM + MP) on the example of RoomManager ' a and the relay module briefly, for demonstration purposes.
InputExtender ' y are extensions of the ExternalManager function ' and for a security system (allow connection of up to 28 alarms to one InputExtender). InputExtender ' y connects to ExternalManager ' and through the Expander module ' a (X), to maximally simplify the system installation.
InputExtender ' y connects to Expander ' em with only one flat strip, 20 pin, terminated with IDC connectors - 20.
Connection Expander ' a (X) to ExternalManager ' a (EM)
ExternalManager connects to Expander ' a (X) in a manner analogous to the relay module (data bus, power bus, control tape). In addition, these modules (IE and X) are connected with a 10-pin flat ribbon terminated with IDC connectors - 10. An additional IDC socket is clamped on the control wire - 40, so that you can connect them to the relay module.
Connection Expander ' a (X) to the relay module (MP)
The expander connects to the relay module in the same way as if it were the RM controller (data bus, power bus, control tape). All cables + 5V should be cut in the same way as in the case of connecting RM controllers, HM, EM.
Connection of a complete security system (ExternalManager (EM) + InputExtender (IE) + Expander (X) + MP) to the eHouse system, after unfolding.

The installation location of the security system should be carefully selected. The following premises should be guided by:
- It should be invisible to potential intruders (it does not affect the infrared limit),
- If you want to use radio pilots, it must be in a place where there is good propagation of radio waves or you will need to use an external antenna,
- The main relay module is connected to the relay module, so it should be placed in place, where the total length of wires for these devices will be the shortest,
The sirens are connected directly to the Extender, alarm and warning lights. There are also doubled 2 outputs from ExternalManager ' a (e.g.. for blocking external sockets).
No more than 15V voltages should be connected to the Expander board (this applies also to the connection of relays). Security system in the example housing ready for wall mounting (ExternalManager (EM) + InputExtender (IE) + Expander (X) + MP).
Connection of the RS232 Konverter - 485 to Expander (X)
Expander RS232 is also connected to Expander (X) - 485 with full cable (together with + 5V wires) as it requires power supply via data bus lines. It must be connected to this point because the module will be then supplied with a stabilized voltage + 5V from the Expander module ' a (X). The only alternative is the use of an independent distributor at the nearest RM, EM, HM and use of full conductors, on the road between the controller and the RS232 converter - 485. Otherwise, the converter will be supplied with voltage, which may fall below the permissible value of the supply voltage. We can also lose communication, when the +5V voltage on the power bus disappears. Konverter RS232 - 485 connects directly to the RS port - 232 PC. In addition, with this computer it is best to output a voltage of + 5V, + 12V, 0V. The voltages other than 0V should be connected via fuses 5 - 10A, to protect the computer from damage to the installation. If you use alternative sources of power, such as. the battery should be connected to the fuses in series to the fuses, not to short-circuit the power sources. A thorough discussion of this topic was in the general documentation.
Connection of alarm detectors
The connection of the alarm detectors is made via 6-pin telephone wires, with RJ plugs pinched - 12 (6 pin), to make it as easy as possible and shorten assembly. There is voltage 12 at this junction - 14. 4V for direct powering of alarm detectors. Both the relay contacts of the detector and the sabotage switch, they can not be connected to any voltage (inside the detector or externally), not to damage the InputExtender inputs ' and.
Connects A1 - A28 (A14 *) (RJ - 12 Connection of alarm detectors)
pin number | signal | Description |
1 | 12V | Power supply of 12V alarm detectors |
2 | 0V | Mass - power supply for alarm detectors |
3 | Sabota¿1 | NC contact of the Sabotage switch (when not used to close with Sabotage2 (pin 4) |
4 | Sabota¿2 | NC contact of the Sabotage switch (when not used close to Sabotage1 (pin 3) |
5 | 0V | Mass - Connection of the contact (COM - common) of the alarm detector relay |
6 | IN1 - 28 (14 *) | Output from the sensor - Connection of the contact (NC - normally closed) of the alarm relay relay |
In case of doubt, which pin has the number 1, it is necessary to find a voltage of 12V in relation to the ground with a multimeter. * For InputExtenderBis (IE2)
Data bus end.
The data bus is run in series - end of one segment to the beginning of the next (except for short splits between MP and controllers). Both ends of the bus should be terminated with terminators (120 ohm resistors), to reduce the impact of interference or reflect as a result of mismatch of impedance to signals going through this magistal (with very long wires they can introduce very large distortions of the signal and cause transmission errors). A thorough discussion of this topic was in the general documentation.
Connection of actuators to the relay module.
There are 24 to 35 relays on the relay module depending on the type of controller. All relays should be treated as a normal electrical switch. They can turn on and off any devices (non-inductive), with a maximum voltage of 230V and a current of 10A). They can be pumps, electro - valves, electric heaters, bulbs, led lighting, Sockets, e.t.c. The contacts of each relay are isolated from other relays, so each relay can be treated individually and connect equipment to any voltage supply. They can be fixed as well as variable voltages so as not to exceed the parameters of acceptable relays. If we mainly use one of the supply voltages of the device, it is possible to use jumpers of common relay contact to the local bus on the relay module. In this case, after soldering all wires, from the bottom of the board, parallel to the rail, solder 1 cable 1. 5mm2, to the path on the PCB is not burned at high total power for all receivers.
For all work on 230V cables, disconnect all low-voltage cables from MP, so as not to damage the electronic controllers. All voltages must be disconnected from the system and the relay module.
After soldering all wires to 230V devices, it is necessary to mutual, visual check of the relay module and checking with an ohmmeter or tester to make sure there are no bridges between the relay contacts, and any low-voltage cable of the eHouse system.
It is very important to additionally insulate all low-voltage cables at the relay module (e.g.. heat shrink) and keep them as far away as possible from 230V paths and wires. This applies, to protect against accidental insulation damage and short-circuit to 230V or other voltages, which would be fatal. The relay module should also be protected, that the mice would not get to him, other rodents and insects, which could create a short circuit with your body, which could permanently damage the entire system. A very good solution is the varnishing of the relay module board after its assembly in order to protect against accidental bridges due to insects, dust, sludge.
Paint should be thin layers so, so that the varnish does not flow over relays and electronic connections. Apply varnish, which is used in electronics with increased thermal resistance and high resistivity.
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