eHouse intelligent building Smart home system.
Checking the status of the eHouse system logs graphic visualization graphic control text and direct.

The description refers to the archival version of the system from before 2008 the latest information developing the following document can be found at: Smart home, home automation eHouse - visualization and graphic control from web browsers

The eHouse system allows you to check the parameters and status of all signals in many ways.

Applies to:
  • eHouse system driver logs
  • application logs for the eHouse system package
  • condition of devices
  • state of the switches
  • the state of the alarm sensors
  • values ​​of measuring sensors
Many mechanisms have been created, to enable control of the system state by the following methods:
  • on-line (online)
  • cyclically (offline)
  • lyrically - observation of logs
  • graphically - visualization (scaled vector graphics) for all signals, through individually created objects and images
  • file system - creating file tags for all signals allowing for quick checking of the status and parameters from many systems
There are many ways to check the status of the eHouse system, using various combinations of the options mentioned above.
Currently, the following methods are available implemented in the eHouse system:
  • creating a file system (markups and logs) on an ongoing (online) basis through the application " eHouse.exe " - text and locally
  • checking the devices turned on, Windows Explorer. Text method - on-line (online)
  • apps " Visual.exe " on Windows platforms for graphical visualization (scaled vector graphics) of the eHouse system, used locally or via the LAN - on-line (online). screenshots
  • " eHouseMobile " on Windows Mobile platforms for graphical visualization (scaled vector graphics) of eHouse system locally and remotely (via WiFi, Wireless LAN, Internet) - on-line (online). screenshots
  • apps " Mobile Remote Manager " (Java for MIDP 2 mobile devices. 0), checking the status of devices by recreating system logs received from eMailies sent cyclically (Offline). Text method
  • FTP client, internet browser, Explorer Windows or other applications used remotely or locally. Text method - on-line (online) or cyclically (offline)

The eHouse system can be controlled by hardware, locally and remotely in many ways. The control can be implemented:
  • Hardware by:
    • electrical switches related to events (when switched on or off)
    • measuring sensors related to events (when thresholds are exceeded)
    • alarm detectors (on activation)
    • infrared remote controls in the Sony (SIRC) standard - local control
    • miniature radio remote controls (control of blinds and security system) / infrared (change of the RoomManager program ' and)
  • Dedicated applications included in the eHouse package - sending events by:
    • SMS
    • e-mail
    • BlueTooth
    • WiFi
    • Lan
    • Internet
  • an internet browser - sending events by:
    • e-mail
    • FTP
  • Windows Explorer - direct copying of events:
    • locally
    • remotely (FTP)
  • FTP client application - direct remote copying of events
A very large number of control methods from the browser allows you to control in a few ways, from virtually any browser working on any operating system. In the case of limitations of one method, you can use another one. This also applies to the failure of one of the data transfer methods (e.g.. suspension of the eMail server, FTP), we have the possibility to use the other one.
Even on the Windows operating system, different browsers have different functionalities and limitations. Three main internet browsers were tested on the Windows operating system:
  • Opera 10,
  • FireFox 3. 6,
  • Internet Explorer 6. 0, 8. 0.

Control method

IE 6, 8+

Opera 10 +

FireFox 3. 6 +

controlling Direct FTP

- (1) / +

- (1) / +

- (1) / +

controlling HTTP text (from the HTML form)

+ / -

+ / -

+ / -

controlling graphic image of the View + generated maps

+ / -

+ / -

+ / -

controlling Graphic XML with SVG graphics display

- (2) / -

+ / -

+ / -

controlling Graphic SVG with JavaScript compression,

- (3) / -

+ / -

+ / -

Marking: (+ / +) = > system control (sending of events) / observation of the state of controllers, logs, outputs, etc..
  1. Built-in IE browser client, Opera and FireFox do not have the ability to save and copy files on the server does not allow you to control the eHouse system. No excluded that the installation of a plug - in ' u for those browsers allowed to control the browser via FTP. Alternatively you can use independent FTP client applications or Windows Explorer.
  2. IE browser does not support XML.
  3. IE browser has serious limitations when using application servers as for example,. Adobe SVG Viewer. It is not possible to start the window opening via scripts {window method. open (... )}. This error can remain skipped by editing scripts that control eHouse system like this, to events were sent without opening a new window. In newer ones versions of IE browsers, Microsoft can fix this error or submit your own SVG support, which would also solve this problem.
The control computer must be:
  • installed Java machine (only Sun 1 tested. 6. 0_17)
  • the browser must have active Java and JavaScript support
  • to facilitate the unblocked status field
  • the blocked pop-up windows for the server on which the eHouse system files are located

The methods of direct FTP and text control via the HTML form are automatically generated by the eHouse.exe with parameter “ / Html ”, after assigning names and configuring the system.

methods graphics require the creation of a view using the Corel Draw application after exporting the settings from the ehouse.exe with parameter “ / CDR ". The process of creating views using the application CorelDraw is discussed in further chapters of this documentation. Creating all graphic methods for the browser and visualization application is generated from one view through the VBA macro automatically, to get high the similarity of images does not depend on the technology.

All the necessary files are created automatically and together with the attached ones JavaScript, PHP and Java applet and allow instant work after configuring the applet. The applet configuration is created by the application “ ConfigAux.exe ”, which simultaneously generates files configuration for the EmailGate application, Mobile Remote Manager, Visual, eHouseMobile.

On the WWW / FTP server one should copy the content of HTML and XML directories to one location, selected in the remote directory settings application " FtpGate.exe ”. This will allow the use of control via FTP for all control methods. In addition to the same directory should be uploaded " AllEvents " if we intend to use direct control by copying FTP files.
The web server to operate the eHouse system must have one (under one address):
  • outbound SMTP server
  • FTP server
  • HTTP server
  • support PHP
  • support regional characters in a given language (*)
  • support long names and case (*)
  • enable login (authorization) to the HTTP server, FTP, SMTP
  • enable setting of access rights for files and the owner

(*) it is possible to edit scripts like this, to change the names of files.

Starting the selected control method in the web browser.

HTML text control:

  • open a file from the address in the browser AdresWWW/directory/runner.htm . A ready example can be found at the address
  • select the device of the eHouse system from the list
  • choose an event to send from the list
  • choose the method of sending FTP or eMail
  • press " Add Event ”,
  • wait for confirmation of sending the event to the eHouse system

HTML graphics control + Maps:

  • open a file from the address in the browser AdresWWW/directory/NazwaWidoku.html or AdresWWW/directory/NazwaWidoku_ftp.html . A ready example can be found at: / Parter_ftp.html
  • move the mouse cursor over the object, which we are going to start (change the state). IN depending on the type of browser and options: a balloon may appear the name of the object, change the cursor, the name of the object may appear in the status bar of the web browser. Click on the mouse selected object which will start sending the event to the eHouse system
  • wait for confirmation of sending the event to the eHouse system

Graphic control XML + SVG:

SVG graphic control + JavaScript compression:

  • open a file in the browser AdresWWW/directory/NazwaWidoku.svg or AdresWWW/directory/NazwaWidoku_ftp.svg in dependence on the method of transferring data to the eHouse system. A ready example can be found at:
  • move the cursor mouse on the object, which we are going to start (change the state). IN the status bar of the web browser. In addition, the color will change fill the object. One should click the mouse on the selected object will start sending the event to the eHouse system
  • wait for confirmation of sending the event to the eHouse system

Direct FTP control (Explorer Windows or FTP client):

  • open in Windows Explorer Address FTP/directory/. A ready example can be found at: www. ISYS. com / easy / - Login is required because it does not support user forwarding and password in the address,
     Login to the FTP server
  • log in to the server giving the username and password
  • copy the event file from the location of all events (" AllEvents ” ). " Directory " AllEvents ” must be manually copied to FTP server with sufficiently limited rights for users outsiders
  • paste it into the “ directory emails ”.

View logs and device status via FTP:

  • open the address AdresServeraFTP / Katalog / in the browser or UserName: Password @ AdresServeraFTP / Katalog /. A ready example can be found at isys. com / easy / - Login is required because it does not support user forwarding and password in the address,
     Login to the FTP server
  • log in to the server giving the username and password
  • browse logs, files containing the current system parameters, files that are markers of switching on electrical devices, sensor activity, switches, etc..
The following access rights to files and directories on the WWW / FTP server are required, that all system functions work properly.

Catalog / File

Permissions the owner

Permissions Group

Permissions remainder

ehouse /



- - -

ehouse / *. htm *



- - -

ehouse / *. svg



- - -

ehouse / *. xml



- - -

ehouse / *. canyon



- - -

ehouse / *. js



- - -

ehouse / *. php



- - -

ehouse / *. *



- - -

ehouse / emails /



- - -

ehouse / AllEvents /



- - -

ehouse / logs /



- - -

Basically, the attached scripts do not require any modifications, so they do not require a wider explanation. Description of additional files attached to the system is presented below:
  • script “ I. php ” allows you to convert characters to the required formats for each the transmission method and prepares the data to be transmitted. I accept sending parameters using both POST and GET methods. Additionally allows you to send events in a connected form (device – event) as well as a separate one. The script also provides support event recording to the FTP server. In the case of recording error indication you must check the access rights for the " emails ” - the logged in user must have write access to this directory
  • script “ ehouse.js ” launches an applet to send eMail with events. Additionally displays SVG images thanks to which it performs compression files (about 2: 1) in relation to normal drawing graphics as for next to the XML file. Draws all figures, simultaneously by assigning events to them. This script can be used to create your own graphic control methods.
  • script &ldquo ; ehouseftp. js ” is identical to the “ ehouse.js ” except that instead of sending the event by eMail it sends them via FTP
  • applet " se.jar ” allows you to submit eMail with events selected by user. It prepares the eMail message in the system format eHouse and secures it. In addition, coding is possible eMail messages to increase security. Applet up to date displays the transmission history with the SMTP server on your form and on the browser status bar. After successfully sending eMail ' and the applet window changes color to green, informing about success. Mouse click on the applet area displays the total current log transmission

The above examples relate to the created demo application located in the catalog " Samples " included in the eHouse system installation.

The text version is automatically generated from the application " eHouse.exe / html ".
The graphic version is generated in many ways from one view created in the application " Corel Draw 12 ". Scripts must be active when opening a file, because they allow you to export views for all graphics control and visualization methods.
Image source file - a view for a simple system installation (low-budget). Starting the eHouse application from the location "....... \\ Samples \\ bin \\ " allows you to check the software check of the system operation: sending logs after FTP, FTP control, e-mail, graphically, text and directly.
Performing full system operation tests, requires at least a connection:
  • RS232 converter - RS485 (to COM1 port - default setting)
  • at least one of the RM drivers (55, 1), EM, HM

An example of a comfort version created on the basis of the same architectural design.

This project of eHouse system installation consists of:
  • 10 RoomManager ' that,
  • HeatManager ' and,
  • ExternalManager ' and,
  • InputExternder ' and,
  • InputExtender ' and Bis.
Allows you to use 100 % functionalities of the eHouse system.