Home control building apartment
Building Automation eHouse allows you to control the following devices:
- blocking of external and internal electrical sockets
- pump control, solenoid valves, three-way valve in the boiler room
- lighting control RGB LED
- remote control of music playback from the Winamp application directly from the controllers (management from the SONY infrared remote control)
- control of a fireplace with a water jacket
- Automatic regulation of room temperature
- access control using Mifare proximity cards
- intelligent lighting control internal and external, 230, low-voltage, LED, LED - RGB
- maintenance free management of a central heating and hot water tank for central heating and hot water
- limiting access rights to the rooms
- control of hot air distribution (DGP)
- maintenance free recuperator control, -ventilated , klimatyzacj¹
- Automatic heating control underfloor, classical, ventilation
- remote control of RTV equipment, SAT, HiFi, Audio, video
- maintenance free boiler room control , boiler, heat pump, ecological heating devices
- dimming the lighting - dimmer PWM has become - Voltage
- authorization in hotel and public facilities Mifare proximity card
- maintenance free central heating control - ecologically
- remote control of any electrical devices enable / disable
- restriction of privileges and functions in rooms
- Automatic control of roller shutter drives, marquess, garage and entry gates , ¿allusions, wertikali
- integrated alarm system with SMS notification controlled from the outside